Folena Family 2022

Buone Feste
oas Festas 

We sincerely hope 2022 proved to be a wonderful year for you and yours …
Here is a brief review of our year.

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Nonno & Nana

The Karr Family: Felicity, Amanda, Justin, Hunter & Destiny

The Colorado Folena Family: Rob, Desta, Faye & Jordan

In February we finally had our guest bathroom remodeled after having discussed it forever. We went with the same contractor that did our kitchen and family room way back in 1989, Clear Oak Designs. We always really liked the work they did with our cherry wood cabinets and we were thinking of something similar for the bathroom cabinetry. It took the better part of 6 weeks, but we were very happy with the results. The next big thing will be to redo the hardwood floors at some point.
While in the middle of the bathroom remodel, we took some time off in March to go down to Pacific Grove and stay at the Seven Gables Inn. We really enjoy that area for the beautiful coastline and it’s a lovely little coastal town. While we were there we went to one of our favorite places – the Monterey Bay Aquarium and also went out for some very nice dinners for the first time in a long time due to all the COVID restrictions. We finally felt comfortable enough to dine indoors.
In May we celebrated Felicity’s 8th birthday with a little party at our house. She is growing so fast that it’s hard to believe she’s already 8 years old. 
Also in May, Jim and Joanie stopped by Rob’s house in Colorado to visit his family on their way cross country for their trip using their new trailer. They were able to meet the newest member of our family, Faye, for the first time. Unfortunately, Paul and I caught COVID around this time after having avoided it for about 2 years. We both had very mild symptoms and were prescribed Paxlovid which we believe helped us recover very quickly.
In June we attended Ashley Arasato’s graduation party. We’ve known Ashley, Jennie and Aaron’s daughter, ever since she was a baby. She will be attending LSU in the fall. 
Also in June we gave Felicity one of our birthday presents to her – we took her to Great America amusement park in Santa Clara. We had promised to take her when all our schedules allowed. We had a good a time and she seemed to enjoy herself with all the rides and attractions.
We traveled to Denver in July to spend just about a couple of weeks visiting Rob and his family. We were treated like VIPs while we were there – we saw a Colorado Rockies baseball game, visited the Denver Aquarium and were wined and dined. It was great being able to spend time with Jordan and Faye as we don’t get to see them in person all that often. Jordan turned 5 in January and Faye will be 2 in December.
In September we took a little trip down south to the San Luis Obispo area and stayed with my cousin Kristine Rudkin for a couple of days. She has a lovely home in a small seaside town called Nipomo. Kristine was gracious enough to show us all around the area and was a wonderful host. We visited Pismo Beach and Avila Beach, 2 very lovely areas. It was great being by the ocean which kept us relatively cool given that we were there during the heat wave that had temperatures soaring over 100.
Later that month we celebrated Hunter’s 5th birthday at Amanda’s home. Just like his sister, it’s very difficult to believe he’s already 5 years old.
At the beginning of October Rob and family came out for a visit including their new au pair Elif Isler from Turkey. They rented a nice place in Santana Row where they had plenty of room for all of them. While they were here we gathered for a family reunion and picnic at Alvarez Park in Santa Clara. Jim and Joanie came down from Woodbridge and Paul’s friend Erol and his family stopped by as well (Erol is from Turkey so they were able make Elif feel at home). Amanda and the kids were there and the grandkids, plus Erol’s kids also, all had a great time playing together. It was wonderful to see how they all got together so well even though they don’t see each other in person very often. 
Later that week Rob, Jordan and Paul attended the 49ers Monday night football game at Levi’s Stadium: 3 generations of Folenas had a great time. Rob was able to obtain our friend Tina Simmons’ seats for the game (she has great seats) and the 49ers won so a good time was had by all.
Later in October we took Hunter to Happy Hollow Zoo and Park for a belated birthday present just like we did for his sister. Due to the pandemic things were a bit different there from how we remembered in the past. For example, Hunter was able to pet the goats in the baby zoo, but he wasn’t able to feed them like before. No matter, Hunter had a good time as he rode on most of the rides, especially his favorite the Frog Hopper.
Like the year before we drove down to spend Halloween with Amanda and kids in their neighborhood. They really do it up right – most homes are decorated and there was a steady stream of Treat or Treaters dropping by for hours. It is a lot of fun especially watching the little ones.
Meanwhile in Rob's neighborhood they had a block party where his family went all decked out in Toy Story costumes. They always have a family costume theme and they have a lot of fun with it.
The very next day was Grandparent’s Day at Queen of Apostles preschool. We attended the event with Hunter and met many of his classmates and other grandparents. He made us some very nice gifts and we enjoyed watching his class put on their skit commemorating all the grandparents.
Next up Felicity that month made her debut as Cruella de Vil in the Starting Arts production of 101 Dalmatians Kids. At auditions for this show she was originally cast as one of the narrators, but then the cast member who was going to play Cruella wasn’t able to continue so they asked Felicity and she gave it a shot. She was a little nervous but carried it off well. Very proud of her.
Later in November the stars aligned for Rob – Rob and family have made a tradition of going to The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs the week before Thanksgiving. It just so happens that this year the 49ers football team happened to stay there while preparing in high altitude to play the game against the Arizona Cardinals in Mexico City. Rob was able to meet some players, like Talanoa Hufanga, and also the coach Kyle Shanahan. Rob said that Hufanga is a great guy as he took the time to talk to both he and especially Jordan.
We spent Thanksgiving at Amanda’s. We all gathered including Sandra and Wayne and had quite the feast. Amanda and Justin teamed up to cook a great meal – Justin prepares the bird and Amanda does all the side dishes. Delish!
We will host Christmas Eve so that Felicity and Hunter can open their presents from Nana and Nonno. Then on Christmas day we’ll head down to Amanda’s to see what Santa brings them. Looking forward to a nice holiday.
In closing the Folenas want to wish you and your loved ones a fabulous holiday season full of joy and good cheer.
Have a healthy, prosperous and jubilant New Year!

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